To the people of Estill and adjoining counties.


              The Gen. Commanding, takes this
        means of informing the people that he
        has not come among them to disturb them
        in the enjoyment of their rights, either of
        person or property.  The Home Guards
        are required to come in at once and de-
        liver up their arms, those who fail to do
        so will be regarded as enemies of the
        Government and treated accordingly.
        Those who comply will be treated as
        non combatants, and private citizens.
        Private citizens who seek opportunity
        to ambush our soldiers commonly known
        as "Bushwhackers" will be regarded as
        outlaws, and orders will be issued to shoot
        them wherever found.
                  If any of our men are fired on while
              passing through the country, I will lay
              waste the entire surrounding neighbor
              hood.              By order of
                                  Gen. J. H. MORGAN.
                         R.A. ALSTON
                                           A.A. Genr'l.
                   Irvine Ky. Sept. 22, 1862